Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You - Information Is Power

They say it quite often - Information is Power. But is the opposite also true? Is lack of information something that makes you powerless? Can what you do not know hurt you? Indeed it can and yes the opposite is also true. Worse off acting on bad information is very similar to acting on no information. For this reason is makes sense to never stop learning, to learn something everyday and make knowledge a priority in your life.

So many times we see that once people leave high-school they never pick up and read another book. That is a travesty and perhaps why the average reading level in the United States is just about at the Eighth Grade Level. But you must not be too alarmed as that is one of the highest of all nations of the World. In many nations 50% or more of the population, cannot read or write. Imagine the disadvantage. Are you beginning to see how knowledge and information is power?

Now the next thing we need to discuss is your information strategy. How do you get your information? Is it a combination of friends, TV news, newspapers, radio, industry trade journals and books? Which is the best way to get good solid information? Well TV might be a little problematic and chances are your friends like to sling a little bull too. Trade Journals are good as the rest of the industry reviews them and they better be or they will say something.